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Hello again, WwkVoter and Scal1024:

Thank you for showing the make-believe mayor that the only person who believes his fictional account of the 2017 budget process is himself.

We know that his losing campaign didn't result in "cut taxes" in FY18. The city council approved a budget with higher tax collections and $6.5 million more in spending.

We know that the statement "Mayor Avedisian was turned down for every one of his 29 new, tax-increasing amendments" is false, because those amendments were proposed by the city council [not Mayor Avedisian].

We know that there are not "80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab."

We also know that his party's city council members [from whom he is now trying to distance himself by calling them "political insiders" where last year, as Scal correctly notes, he was praising their decisions on the budget] left a $4.2 million deficit in the FY18 budget that must now be fixed in the FY19 budget.

"All my taxes are paid current."

We know that since 2014, the property taxes on the make-believe mayor have been paid by other people.

I fully expect that our work to expose the make-believe mayor as the fraud that he is -- proven by his own willing and repeated behavior -- will lead to another overwhelming defeat of his candidacy later this year.

From: Tax bills will be in the mail shortly

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